- Identity
- Mission
- Constituency
- Officers and Representatives
- Meetings
- Nominations and Elections
- Amendments
- Recall of Officers or Community Representatives
Our governing documents, the Constitution and By-Laws, are the foundation of all Staff Council operations and procedures.
Questions? Contact, or a member of the Ways & Means Committee, which reviews these documents and suggests amendments as appropriate.
Last amendments ratified March 11, 2020.
The University of Hartford Staff Council (UHSC) is an organization that promotes and supports the overall interests and general welfare of all staff employees who are not represented by a bargaining unit.
The University of Hartford Staff Council is dedicated to:
- Furthering the University of Hartford’s mission
- Advocating for staff rights and needs
- Formulating recommendations on matters of concern
- Fostering fairness and respect in a quality work environment, and
- Acting as a liaison to the University community.
The Staff Council represents all full-time and part-time staff employees of the University of Hartford who are not University administrators at the Assistant Vice President level or greater, full-time students, or members of bargaining units whose unions are certified to represent employees of the University of Hartford.
Officers and Representatives
The officers of the UHSC, hereafter referred to as the Executive Board (Eboard), shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Director.
UHSC Community Representatives shall consist of one volunteer per representative group and four (4) At-Large Representatives (two (2) Non-Exempt, two (2) Exempt).
The Staff Council shall meet the second Wednesday of every month at a time and place to be determined by the Chair. These meetings are open to all constituent staff and are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, except as modified by this Constitution and the Bylaws. Non-constituent University employees may submit a request to the Executive Board to attend these meetings. Only Community Representatives and Eboard members shall have voting privileges.
An annual meeting shall be held the second Wednesday in April for the purpose of presenting annual reports by the Executive Board and any other business on the agenda. Every other year during this meeting, Executive Board officers and Community Representatives shall be installed. Due notice of the annual meeting will be published, at a minimum, in the University Notes (UNotes) and posted on the UHSC website.
The UHSC Executive Board shall meet at least once monthly at a time and place to be determined by the Chair. Additional attendees, including but not limited to the previous Chair, may be invited at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Nominations and Elections
Executive Board officers, At-Large Representatives, and delegates shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, as outlined in the Bylaws, Article 5.
A Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) constituent staff members whose duties and procedures are outlined in the Bylaws, Article 5.
This Constitution may be amended. Proposed amendments must be introduced for discussion at a regular meeting of the Staff Council. A vote can take place only after staff constituents have been notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the pending vote. The announcement will be posted, at a minimum, in the University Notes (UNotes) and posted on the UHSC website. Additionally, it can be communicated by other means that will be equally effective. A two-thirds majority vote of the Community Representatives who are present at this UHSC meeting is required for ratification.
Recall of Officers or Community Representatives
Any Executive Board officer(s) or Community Representative(s) may be subject to dismissal from their position(s). Procedures for this are outlined in the Bylaws, Article 6.
Last amendments ratified October 11, 2023.
Article 1: Representation
For Staff Council representational eligibility, please see “Constituency” as defined in the Staff Council Constitution.
Article 2: Officers
The Chair shall preside over all general meetings and direct and administer the business of the Staff Council consistent with its Bylaws. The Chair may appoint ad hoc committees and chairpersons of said committees. When the Chair is called upon to represent the University of Hartford Staff Council (UHSC) at various University functions, the chair may choose to serve that function or delegate responsibility to another Executive Board member. The Chair acts as the representative of the Staff Council to the University Board of Regents and may appoint one or more additional SC constituents to attend Board of Regents meetings at the Board’s request and functions in addition to or in lieu of the Chair.
The Vice Chair shall preside over Executive Board meetings. The Vice Chair shall perform duties assigned by the Chair. In the absence of the Chair, they shall preside over meetings and assume the Chair's duties. The Vice Chair shall coordinate fund raising activities.
The Secretary shall record and distribute official Staff Council meeting minutes. They shall also keep a record of all meetings of the Executive Board. Additionally, the Secretary shall be responsible for distribution of notices and the preservation of all official documents, papers, and letters.
The Treasurer shall receive all revenues of the UHSC and give proper receipt for the same. All funds shall be deposited in a University of Hartford financial fund under the name of the University of Hartford Staff Council. The Treasurer shall pay all due invoices after approval by the Chair. The Treasurer shall keep a detailed account of all monies received and disbursed, and keep vouchers of all expenditures, and render a current report at each meeting of the Staff Council. The Treasurer shall assist in all fundraising activities.
The Communications Director shall oversee all communications of the Staff Council, and welcome all new represented staff with information about the Staff Council. They will also communicate annually to the University at large, reminding them of the activities and purpose of the Staff Council and encourage active participation.
Article 3: Community Representatives
Community representatives shall be selected or elected by the one of 19 areas which they represent (see Section 2 for areas).
Community representatives will hold their positions for two (2) years and can be renewed. The constituents of each representative’s area determine how they choose their respective representatives.
Community representatives are responsible to represent their constituents within their respective area as identified in Section 2 of Article 3.
Community representatives should have formal in-person meetings with their respective constituents once a month if they so choose or they should email their constituents with monthly minutes/agenda for communication purposes.
Community representatives will listen to all staff in their respective area and bring the concerns and questions back to staff council meetings for discussion and further review.
It is the responsibility of each community representative to communicate feedback in a timely manner to their constituents for resolution purposes if concerns were brought to the community representative’s attention from the staff council meeting.
A community representative must attend all staff council meetings or they must send a proxy on their behalf. There is 1 meeting per month.
Community representatives must solicit their respective constituents’ feedback on upcoming votes prior to a vote.
If a community representative is not selected by a designated area, the Staff Council can select a willing constituent from that area to fulfill these outlined duties.
If a community representative fails to fulfill the minimum requirements listed, they will be replaced by a selected or elected community member from within their designated area.
In the event of a failed election/selection process, the Executive Board will select a new community representative who can fulfill the duties for that assigned community area.
Each of the following areas shall have one Community Representative:
- Asylum Avenue Campus
- Athletics
- Barney School of Business
- Bates House
- Beatrice Auerbach Computer and Administration Building
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions
- College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture
- Development and Alumni Affairs
- Facilities
- Finance and Administrative Services Building
- Gengras Student Union
- Harrison Libraries
- Hartford Art School
- The Hartt School
- Hillyer College
- Office of Marketing and Communication
- Public Safety
- Residential Life
Four At-Large Community Representatives, two Non-Exempt, two Exempt, shall represent the UHSC constituency respective to their employment status. At-Large Community Representatives are elected every two years (as defined in Article 5).
Article 4: Meetings
The Staff Council may meet monthly, as outlined in the UHSC Constitution. The day and time of a meeting may be changed on an emergency basis upon adequate notice to the Staff Council Community Representatives (with no less than two University of Hartford business days’ notice) by the Executive Board if deemed necessary.
All Staff Council Officers and Community Representatives have an equal voice and vote in the proceedings. The Chair shall cast the deciding vote at a meeting in case of a tie.
Quorum will constitute a minimum of 50% of Community Representatives. Voting will be decided by the majority of members present at the meeting, provided quorum is met. Voting will be determined by a show of hands.
Community Representatives and UHSC represented staff must be notified at least two weeks in advance of a pending vote, subject to Section 1. If an issue cannot wait for the allotted time to be voted on, the Executive Board may suspend the rules to allow for a vote to be taken at a regular or special meeting.
Article 5: Nominations and Elections
A Nominating Committee (NC) shall be formed every two (2) years in January to oversee the nomination and election of the Officers and At-Large Community Representatives. It shall consist of a minimum of three (3) volunteer UHSC represented staff, one of whom shall act as Chairperson. No more than one Executive Officer is eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee. An Executive Officer may not act as Chairperson of the NC.
Likewise, a Nominating Committee shall be formed on alternating years to oversee the nomination and election of Staff Council delegates to University committees and Faculty Senate.
The NC shall proceed with the nominations of Officers, At-Large Community Representatives, and delegates as follows:
- The NC shall solicit from all UHSC represented staff nominations for each of the officers of the Executive Board and the four (4) At-Large Community Representatives and, in alternate years, SC delegates, and will investigate eligibility (meet conditions of Staff Council representation) of all nominees by the second week of February.
- No later than the second week of March, all nominees will be contacted by the NC to ask if they would like to be on the ballot. Self-nomination is acceptable. If no person is nominated for a position, the NC may solicit volunteers.
- All accepted nominees will be put on the ballot. The ballot will be provided all to UHSC represented staff for voting by the end of the second week of March.
- The NC shall tabulate counts to determine the winners and shall notify the newly elected officers by March 30th.
- The newly elected Executive Board members and At-Large Community Representatives shall be installed in their positions at the April annual UHSC meeting. SC delegates will take their positions in April or at the start of the next University committee or Faculty Senate annual session.
Vacancies of Officers, At-Large Community Representatives, and delegates shall be filled as in accordance with the following:
- Should the Office of Chair be vacated prior to the end of the term of office, the Vice Chair shall assume that Office for the remainder of the term.
- Should any other Executive Board, At-Large Community Representative, or delegate position be vacant, the Staff Council Executive Board shall meet and select a replacement from the UHSC represented staff for the remainder of the term. First consideration may be given to the list of nominees from the most recent election.
- No person shall occupy two Executive Offices concurrently. Executive Officers are allowed to hold Staff Council delegate positions, but should be encouraged to only hold one delegate position at a time.
Article 6: Recall of Officer(s) and Representative(s)
If charges are brought against an officer, that officer will step aside until said charges are resolved. The Executive Board shall assume the officer’s duties and responsibilities during this time; if the officer stepping aside is the Chair then Article 2, Section 2 will apply. Chargeable offenses are outlined in Section 3 of this Article.
- The recall of an Officer shall be initiated by any constituent staff member filing charges in writing to the Executive Board.
- The Officer shall be served (given a copy of the written charges) within seven (7) days. They may file a written defense with the Executive Board within fourteen (14) days of being served.
- A meeting of the Executive Board shall be held within thirty (30) days from the date of serving the officer for the purpose of airing the written charges and a written defense.
- Should the Executive Board deem it necessary, a committee shall be appointed by the Chair to investigate; if the Chair has stepped aside, then the Vice-Chair shall appoint the committee to investigate the said charges. A committee is automatically appointed if the charged Officer denies allegations. The Committee is charged with investigating allegations and making recommendations to the Staff Council. Recommendations are due within thirty (30) days after the Committee is appointed.
- At the next monthly UHSC meeting after the airing and/or investigation, voting members shall ballot on the charges, excepting the accused Officer and accuser(s). Three-fourths (75%) of the eligible voting members present (provided quorum is met) are necessary to dismiss the accused Officer. If quorum is not met, the item will continue on the agenda for the next meeting. If quorum is not met a second time, the issue will be closed and the Officer will be fully reinstated. If acquitted, the Officer shall be fully reinstated.
- If dismissed, the Officer shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Executive Board within 10 days of the decision. A meeting of the Executive Board and the accuser(s) must be held within 14 days of the appeal request.
- Having heard the appeal of the dismissed Officer, the Staff Council shall ballot as in the Subsection (e) of this Article (6). This decision shall be considered final.
- Should the dismissed Officer not appeal within ten (10) days of their dismissal, the office shall be vacated and filled in accordance with Article 5, Section 3 of the bylaws. This individual shall be permanently excluded from holding any elected position or appointment within the UHSC.
Procedures for the recall of Community Representatives follow:
- The recall of a Representative shall be initiated by member(s) of their jurisdiction by filing charges in writing to the Executive Board.
- The Representative shall be served (given a copy of the written charges) within 7 days. They may file a written defense with the Executive Board within 14 days of being served.
- A meeting of the Executive Board shall be held within thirty (30) days from the date of serving the Representative for the purpose of airing the written charges and a written defense.
- Should the Executive Board deem it necessary, a committee shall be appointed by the Chair to investigate the said charges. A committee is automatically appointed if the charged Representative denies allegations. The Committee is charged with investigating allegations and making recommendations to the Staff Council. Recommendations are due within thirty (30) days after the Committee is appointed.
- At the next monthly UHSC meeting after the airing and/or investigation, members shall ballot on the charges, excepting the accused Representative and accuser(s). Three-fourths (75%) of the eligible voting members present (provided quorum is met) are necessary to dismiss the accused Representative. If acquitted, the Representative shall be fully reinstated.
- If dismissed, the Representative shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Executive Board within 10 days of the decision. A meeting of the Executive Board and the accuser(s) must be held within 14 days of the appeal request.
- Having heard the appeal of the dismissed Representative, the Staff Council shall ballot as in the Subsection (e) of this Article (6). This decision shall be considered final.
Should the dismissed Representative not appeal within ten (10) days of their dismissal, the office shall be vacated and filled in accordance with Article 5, Section 3 of the bylaws. This individual shall be permanently excluded from holding any elected position or appointment within the UHSC.
Chargeable Offenses.
- Violation of any provision of the Constitution and/or Bylaws of the UHSC.
- Illegal or improper use, misappropriation, or embezzlement of UHSC funds.
- Refusal or deliberate failure to carry out authorized decisions of the Executive Board.
- Using the name of the UHSC in an unauthorized manner or for an unauthorized purpose.
- Failure to act in good faith on behalf of the UHSC.
Article 7: Grievances
The Staff Council may, on an annual basis each April, appoint or reappoint a Grievance Officer. In the event that the Grievance Officer's position is vacant, a volunteer will be sought and appointed by the Executive Board.
The Grievance Officer must be meet Staff Council representational eligibility.
The Grievance Officer will be available to all staff represented by the UHSC.
The Grievance Officer is available to speak with UHSC represented staff prior to the filing of an official grievance with the University. Upon request, the Grievance Officer can assist represented staff members in the actual grievance process as outlined in the University of Hartford Staff Employment Manual.